Australian Government - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Advancing the interests of Australia and Australians internationally

CAAR 2024-25 Grant Round

This is a preview of the CAAR Grant Round Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.


Please ensure that you have read the eligibility criteria in the Grant Guidelines, including ‘activities not funded’ before you commence your application. 

If you have any questions, please contact the Secretariat on E: or P: +61 2 6261 2090.

Incomplete applications will NOT be considered. This includes applications without the appropriate supporting documents and referee letters.

Warning: Ensure that you save as you go. When you click on an external link, please ensure you left click and select 'Open link in a new tab'. Ensure you 'submit' your application.


Are you applying for an individual scholarship? * Required
The Council does not fund individual scholarships or activities that are properly the responsibility of the host institution eg. post graduate student applying for travel assistance to do field work as part of their thesis will not normally be considered.
Are you an Australian citizen or Australian permanent resident? * Required
Note: Individual applicants must be an Australian citizen or Australian permanent resident. Proof of citizenship or residency may be required.
Are you seeking funding for capital expenditure, such as real estate property, equipment or computer software? * Required
Note: The Council does not normally provide funds for capital expenditure.
Are the activities commercially viable in their own right or give a commercial advantage to your business or organisation? * Required
For example: Using grant funding to host a fund raising Gala for your business.
Are the activities properly the responsibility of other funding bodies or other government agencies? * Required
For example: Development assistance, activities under bilateral science and technology agreement or trade promotion activities normally handled by Austrade or industry promotion bodies.
Are you requesting funds for day-to-day operational costs of your organisation, such as salaries, wages or rental costs? * Required
Note: The Council does not fund salaries or wages. However, fees for performers, media and graphic designers, and consultants are considered for funding.
Are you providing at least two referees for your application? * Required
Note: Referees must be independent of the project and be able to comment on your ability to undertake the project, in addition to commenting on the merits of the project itself.
Is your project already completed? * Required
Note: The Council does not fund completed projects or activities which have started.